Climate Coffee is built on the idea of creating an open community for anyone interested in climate, whether they’re operating, investing, studying in or just exploring the space.

This was based on the belief that time is of the essence when it comes to tackling climate change, and that by fostering connections and helping to develop local ecosystems, we might be able to increase the pace of change and adoption of new technologies and new ideas across the world.

As such, we want to allow anyone to build a chapter and run the events as they choose, as long as they agree to the principles upon which the events are run, and to keep themselves connected to the overall Climate Coffee group.

Think you’d make a good local Organiser? Then have a read of our principles, suggested formats and thoughts on working with external partners below…

✨ Our principles

  1. 🆓 Free to attend

Our events will always be free to attend for our members

  1. 🤗 Open to all

The coffees are open to whoever wants to join. If you’ve signed up, you can come down!

  1. 📅 Same date, every month

We organise all our events worldwide on the last Thursday of each month - for the most up to date calendar, check out the Climate Coffee - Madrid page.

🏙️ Location + Format

🤝 Partnerships + Sponsorship